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116 lines
GFreqStat version 1.1
GFreqStat is copyright 1994 Jari Kanerva.
The author can be reached at Fidonet 2:201/411.73 or 2:203/319.7
e-mail jari@p73.anet.bbs.bad.se
Jari Kanerva
Njurundagatan 6
GfreqStat is a statsgenerator for GoldFreq. It can make statistiks for
howe often each file has been requested. Howe often each node makes
requests and howe many files each node has requested.
These statsfiles can be made both totaly and since last time the lists
were made.
GFreqStat will only work if it finds the GoldFreq.key
You may have the key either in Mail: or in the same directory as you
keep the executable GFreqStat.
GFReqStat needs that you have FILEACC and ACCTPATH in GoldFreq.cfg
This is for GoldFreq to make the information to GFreqStat.
GFreqStat search for GFreqStat.cfg in the same directory as the
executable GFreqStat is in or in Mail:.
You can also tell GFreqStat where the configuration file is by putting
the path and name on the commandline.
Ex: GFReqStat Mail:GFreq/GFreqStat.cfg
You may use some arguments from the commandline. This is so that you
can make temporary stats whidout change the statistics.
C=CONFIG Specify where GFreqStat can find it's configfile. This is
if the configfile not is in PROGDIR: or in mail:
NOLAST/S Do not make any "since last" lists.
ONLYLAST/S Only make "since last" lists.
NOREG/S Do the lists as usual but do not change the .old files.
This is useful if you normaly make one each week nad would
want to make a list un the middle of the week whitout
disturbing the stats.
NOTOP/S Do not make "TopTes lists", make full lists.
You may also combine the arguments. i e
"GFreqStat NOLAST ONLYLAST" if you wish to run GFreqStat whitout making
any stat-lists. :-)
The configuration file...
KeyWord: AccPath <dir>
Tell GFreqStat where GoldFreq keeps it accounting files.
Ex: AccPath Mail:GFreq/Accounts
KeyWord: (NO)DelOlds
If GFreqStat finds a .old file whitout a matching .acf or .acc file
it deletes the .old file.
Ex: DelOlds
KeyWord: (No)NodesTop <num>
Specify number of nodes listed i the stats list (i e TopTen).
Ex: NodesTop 10
KeyWord: (No)FilesTop <num>
Specify number of files listed i the stats list (i e TopTen).
Ex: FilesTop 10
KeyWord: (No)Files <File>
Select a file for the file statistics.
Ex: Files Mail:GFreq/Filerna
KeyWord: (No)FilesHeader <file>
Select a file to get the header to the file statistics list.
Ex: FilesHeader Mail:GFreq/Textfiles/Fileheader.txt
KeyWord: (No)FilesLast <file>
Select a file for the file statistics since last time the list was made.
Ex: FilesLast Mail:GFreq/FilesLast
KeyWord: (No)FilesLastHeader <file>
Select a file to get the header to the file since last list.
Ex: FilesLastHeader Mail:GFreq/Textfiles/Fileheader.txt
KeyWord: (No)NodesFreq <File>
Select a file for the node statistic file. Sorted by freqs.
Ex: NodesFreq Mail:GFreq/NodeFreq
KeyWord: (No)NodesFreqHeader <file>
Select a file to get the header to the node statistic list.
Ex: NodesFreqHeader Mail:GFreq/Textfiles/Nodeheader.txt
KeyWord: (No)NodesFiles <File>
Select a file for the node statistic file. Sorted by files.
Ex: NodesFiles Mail:GFreq/NodeFiles
KeyWord: (No)NodesFilesHeader <file>
Select a file to get the header to the node statistic list.
Ex: NodesFilesHeader Mail:GFreq/Textfiles/Nodeheader.txt
KeyWord: (No)NodesFreqLast <file>
Select a file for the node statistic file. Sorted by freqs. Since last.
Ex: NodesFreqLast Mail:GFreq/NodesFreqLast
KeyWord: (No)NodesFreqLastHeader <file>
Select a file to get the header to the node statistic list.
Ex: NodesFreqLastHeader Mail:GFreq/Textfiles/Nodeheader.txt
KeyWord: (No)NodesFilesLast <file>
Select a file for the node statistic file. Sorted by files. Since last.
Ex: NodesFilesLast Mail:GFreq/NodesFilesLast
KeyWord: (No)NodesFilesLastHeader <file>
Select a file to get the header to the node statistic list.
Ex: NodesFilesLastHeader Mail:GFreq/Textfiles/Nodeheader.txt